====================================================================== IBIS INTERCONNECT MODELING AD HOC TASK GROUP MEETING MINUTES Meeting Date: April 18, 2007 http://www.eda.org/ibis/adhoc/interconnect/ Mailing list: ibis-interconn@freelists.org Attendees: ---------- (* denotes present) Agilent - Radek Biernacki*, John Moore Green Streak Programs - Lynne Green Intel - Michael Mirmak* Mentor Graphics Corp. - John Angulo* Micron Technology - Randy Wolff* Teraspeed Consulting Group - Bob Ross* ====================================================================== Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 2, 2007 Telephone Bridge Passcode 916-356-2663 4 148-5142 LiveMeeting Details: Subject: IBIS Ad Hoc Interconnect Meeting Meeting URL: https://www.livemeeting.com/cc/intel/join Meeting ID: 8N4R5S Meeting Key: 7k.|5g&C2 Agenda: - Review of Touchstone(R)2 draft 6 - Example of S-parameter Shorting under IIRD9 ======================================================================== Michael described a new BUG in the ICMCHK1 parser regarding the filename extension on Touchstone files. He will file a formal report before the Open Forum meeting. Michael completed all revisions requested in the previous meeting. During review of the latest revision of the Touchstone(R) update draft, several recommendations were made: - (Radek) revise the noise parameters according to the following summary: x1 is a frequency and is formatted from the options line x2 is a magnitude in dB x3 is not formated by the option line BUT it does use the reference impedance from the options line in version 1.0 files. x4 is in degrees x5 has normalization per version 1.0 to whatever is on the options line (this was not clear) but should not be normalized in version 2.0 This section should also be clarified to state that noise parameter rules are significantly different than the format used in the rest of the document. - (Radek) use "order" rather than "format" with "row-wise" - (Radek) check the 3x3 and 4x4 matrix explanations for consistency with version 2.0 rules - (John) clarify whether line-termination characters are required before new frequency points - (Bob) reformat the document to remove or reorder the use of italics to be more consistent with industry usage - (Bob) check the copyright status; does "GEIA/IBIS Open Forum Other minor issues are: - "n-port" mentioned twice in the introduction - subparameters are mentioned but never defined - the word "arrayed" is used; should be "arranged" - grammatical error: "parameters itself is" - case usage on "kHz" should be consistent Michael will implement these changes. He also suggested that a keyword/feature hierarchy and table of contents be added. The IIRD9 shorting example for S-parameters was briefly discussed. ARs ----- Sam - provide a simple drawing of "virtual reference" case Michael - update IIRD9 draft with changes for final review next time - DONE Team Objectives: 1) complete ICM-IBIS linking BIRD and any associated changes to the ICM specification 2) update the ICM specification, if needed, to clarify the mapping of ICM nodes to S-parameter ports 3) complete a specification for "Touchstone Plus" or similar industry-standard definition for Touchstone-like files, to include complex impedance references, removal of limits on the maximum number of ports and per-port impedance references